Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hammy at the fair

Well bright and early this morning we took Hammy to the fair. They have it down to an art- pull up the trailor, open the gate, herd the pigs out, they go into the shed right to the scales, then off the scales on down the gates to the pig pens. It's quite organized. I'm impressed. We were worried Bug's pig wouldn't be heavy enough- they need to weigh more than 225 and less than 290. Luckily, Hammy weighed in at 230. WHEW!! Here's Bug with Hammy at the fair. So it's not "Zuckerman's Famous Pig" But "Bug's famous pig"

So if you are in town for the fair- go find Bug's pig and Doodle's Rabbit. They'll be thrilled you stopped by.


Anonymous said...

Very cool! I bet the boys will have fun at the fair. Good Luck with Hammy and Roger! When do they show their animals? Are they selling their animals?


JeN said...

How fun for the kids.. That is great that they do that.. Brett is VERY jealous...Good luck with the sells

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! It must be a great experience for him to be showing an animal at the fair. Congratulations, Bug.