Monday, July 7, 2008

No Lions or Tigers- but BEARS! Oh my!

Yes! We saw a bear- ok- not only saw a bear- but watched the bear for almost an hour, as it devoured a deer carcass.

Ignore our silly commentary! lol

Ok- the debate is on- I thought it was a black bear- Ben insists it's a Grizzly- what's your vote?

Here's where he takes off across the road-

We were on our way back to the cabin from Yellowstone on Monday (Roo's birthday even!) and along the side of the Highway, Pam said "look there's a moose" I replied "That's not a moose- it's a bear- quick turn around!" and sure enough there he was. There were only 2 other cars there watching at first, and one drove off, so we had the PERFECT view of this guy. Some people really aren't very smart though, getting out of their cars, walking toward the bear, in front of the cars, shooting off cap guns as they drove by, tossing things out of their car. (ummm hello! That's a wild bear!)

Here's a few more pics- The bear was less than 20 feet off the road, we had the perfect view of him right from the car.


Becky said...

That is so fun! My kids love watching bears, but we have never seen one eating (YUCK). What a fun vacation.

Anonymous said...

Those videos are awesome! I'm jealous ... I've always wanted to see a bear around here.

Alana - The Mommy said...

Very Cool!

Rachel said...

I kindof think it is a grizzly, because when I was hunting with Nate I saw a black bear (at least that is what Nate said it was!) and it looked just a little bit different than that and a bit darker and a little bit smaller. That is crazy you guys saw it eating and got to just watch it. Where the kids with you?

Dawne said...

That is absolutely a Grizzly bear. ;-)

How very cool!

Erika said...

It is so hard to tell. I am with Rachel and kind of think that it is a black bear. My kids liked watching the bear video.

*Heather said...

Wow that is cool and close! I have seen black bears in our area of NC and I think that is definitely not one as they are smaller and more black than this one. Very cool though! Loved your comment on the idiots outside of the car!!! :)

Family O'Foxes said...

Very cool! That isn't something city folks see every day.
FIAR->. Amy [Oregon]

Emily said...

Wow! How awesome to see it so close! I think it's a grizzly. Blacks have longer snouts. Grizzlies can be any color from tan to black, so it's hard to tell sometimes. Check out

Shonda said...

That is so cool! I would say a grizzly because the back looks...grizzled! You know, that grey cast. That is some awesome nature study!