Thursday, March 19, 2009

His First Missing Tooth

Doodle has had a loose tooth for a long time now- but he would NOT let anyone touch it or wiggle it or anything. Finally yesterday I went grocery shopping, and when I came home- he told me he couldn't eat dinner, because his tooth was too loose, and Dad would have to pull it out. So before dinner Ben pulled it out for him. He was pretty proud he'd finally lost a tooth. The Hole in his mouth-

Doodle holding the little Tooth.


Florence Family said...

Congratulations Doodle! Maggie can sympathize. Straws are really fun now. They have their own slot!

Stephanie said...

Awwww! How cute! Congratulations, Doodle.

Kelly said...

Alright Doodle! Way to go!

J and Ris said...

You gotta just love those pics of missing teeth! They are such fun memories. What's up with the waiting forever to pull it out. My Braydon is the same way.

Did you get the great in 8 info? Let me know what you think!

Anonymous said...

yay!! How exciting! Congrats!

Shelley Hansen said...

He is a cutie.