Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad things come in 3's-- where's the last one....

Ok- so 2 weeks ago- my oven went out- the element burned up, and it fried the control panel in the process. After 5 days without an oven the part finally came on Tuesday- and Ben got it fixed (my WONDERFUL husband!--- the kids always tell me= "Dad can fix anything!") Last night we looked and the water heater is leaking everywhere. Unfortunately- I think that comes under the things that dad can't fix. So I guess we're getting a new one today. So....what's Next?!


Eric and Natalie said...

sounds like a fun couple of weeks!!....sorry to hear about everything. so how are things otherwise?

Shelley Hansen said...

I hope that you were able to catch the water heater before it did real damage to your house. One time ours did that.. We had NO idea.. We had to stay in a motel for just over a month till it was fixed! The damage was so massive. My Jaden had to spend 4 days in the hospital due to his asthma (the mold, from the water leak set it off).

Anonymous said...

(((HUGS))) Andrea

Becky said...

YUCK! I hope the third thing already happened and it escaped your memory :0 Good Luck

J and Ris said...

Just pray it's something money can fix. I know of too many things happening to people lately that end up being a scary hospital visit with a surgery after! The third one can't be too bad!

Have a good Thanksgiving!