Sunday, June 20, 2010

Backpackers in-training

In preparation for our Yellowstone backpacking trip to Pebble Creek we went on a mini backpack trip Friday night. We decided to hike in to Old Ephraim's Grave We were originally going to take a hiking trail, but took the road that said "Ephraim's grave this way" So we took the road instead. We were driving in Ben's car- not the truck- so it was a rough road. We got within about 2 miles, and decided that there was a great place to park. So we hiked the rest of the way along the road.

The Crew- just as we were starting out-
Ben and Roo hiking along- yes Roo (who will be 5 in a couple of weeks was carrying a pack- and carried his pack the whole way-though he only had to carry his sleeping bag and his camelback) Bug with his new pack- Bug has been working a bit for a neighbor and saving up money to buy camping gear- He earned the money for this pack- and was so proud. The whole trip he kept mentioning "I like my new pack" and guarenteed he'll take real good care of it too.
Doodle is an awesome backpacker. Even with a pack that's twice his size. We're looking for something smaller before we go to Yellowstone. We MADE IT!!!
The Grave MarkerBug trying his hand at starting a fire without matches
Roo Loves his "Spoonknifefork" that he got in his Christmas Stocking- it worked great for the 4+ bowls of oatmeal he ate the next morning. Doodle eating his dinner.
Getting a fire started
On the way back out Saturday morning- Doodle decided to lay down and take a rest. (it was all downhill Friday night- which meant- yes- all UPhill Saturday morning.
Ben feeding Doodle some trail mix. There's the CAR!! We made it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love ... LOVE ... these pictures!