We had such a wonderful Christmas! The kids are so funny! They just totally make Christmas fun! Bug was SOOOOOO excited Christmas Eve- he couldn't sleep! 11:00 when we checked on him- he was still WIDE awake. "Come on bug- go to sleep- Santa can't come until you are asleep!" Somehow he ended up in our bed around 2:30- so yes- that means VERY little sleep for him! Luckily Santa managed to sneak into our house during those few hours when Bug was sleeping! Roo on the other hand was so sound asleep he wet the bed- and we had to strip down his bed at 11:00 and change the sheets (and wash the new jammies so he's have them to wear for Christmas morning)
We have the Tradition on Christmas Eve for the boys to each open 1 package- it's always PJ's and a book. Bug got Tales of Beetle the Bard by JK Rowling Doodle got Nate the Great, and Roo got The Jet Alphabet Book (for my airplane pilot in training). Here's the 3 kiddos in their new Christmas Pajamas. Notice the way Roo looks up to his big brothers- this pic is SO true to life- as he really does look up to them and always wants to be where the big boys are.
Santa was SO good to us- and brought us Tile for our Kitchen floor (thanks to a Christmas Bonus that Ben got!)- sorry- I forgot to take the "before" picture- just think ugly dirty linoleum that doesn't come clean- and compare it to this: (still a few more spots we need to take out the spacers and put in the grout.Earlier this fall- we laid the laminate wood flooring down in the dining room (see this blog post- you can Kind of see the ugly kitchen floor)- and we finished the tile and the laminate on an angle on one side of the island.- I really like the way it turned out! Thanks SOOO much Ben for all your hard work improving our home!