The wind was just a howling yesterday- And the boys told me "Mom, Come look at the Trampoline!" It had blown from the back yard to the front yard, and crashed on the fence near the truck. Right on top of my rose bushes. Smashed the fence, smashed the tramp, luckily it missed the truck by a foot or to. Here's what it looked like after Ben and Bug moved it off the roses.
:( Sorry about the tramp...
After the last storm blew ours to Becky's yard, Quinn used potato stakes and tied it survived yesterday! I guess when Santa brings a new one, we'll have to get you some good stakes! :)
That wind storm was CRAZY!!! Sorry about your tramp!!!:(
I was so sad for your boys as I drove by and glimpsed the pile of tramp, stopped by the fence.
I was grateful to that fence for protecting your truck. Lucky you.
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